
  • 2023 4.0



  • 2015 3.0


    托尼(T·C·斯托林斯 T.C. Stallings 饰)拥有着收入不菲的工作,妻子伊丽莎白(普里西拉·C·夏勒 Priscilla C. Shirer 饰)美艳动人,孩子丹尼尔(阿勒娜·皮特 Alena Pitts 饰)乖巧可爱,一家人住在装修考究的大房子里,过着平静而又幸福的生活,托尼是朋友和同事们眼中人生赢家的楷模。   然而,虽然托尼的婚姻生活金玉其外,但内里却早已经充满了败絮,夫妻两人在外和睦,回到家关起门后便势同水火,他们将彼此视作自己人生的阻碍,宛如仇敌。一次偶然中,伊丽莎白结识了名为克拉拉(凯伦·阿伯克龙比 Karen Abercrombie 饰)的老人,克拉拉教会了伊丽莎白何为信仰。在信仰的带领下,伊丽莎白决定和人生和解。

  • 2020 4.0


    After Nikola’s wife has attempted suicide, the casual labourer’s two children are taken away from him and placed with foster parents. A temporary arrangement, it is alleged. However, following an assessment of Nikola’s housing conditions, the head of the social welfare office in their small Serbian village decides that Nikola is too poor to provide an adequate living environment for his children. The reticent Nikola decides to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Belgrade. He is determined to cover the 300 kilometres to the capital on foot. In this way, he intends to show the authorities how far he is willing to go for his children – literally. Srdan Golubović finds authentic, moving images to tell this tale of inequality. His quiet but resilient protagonist explores not only the country, but also the boundaries between right and wrong. Resolved not to give in to his mounting desperation, this tenacious father embarks on a heroic journey that redefines the word hero.

  • 2018 4.0


    谭贺是一个建材公司老板,也是一个典型的“朝三暮四”的花心大萝卜。和谭贺同居的,是他的女友姚蓝,姚蓝性格温婉,在家为谭贺做饭,打扫,对谭贺的打骂逆来顺受。在外面甜言蜜语不断的,是谭贺的情人金佳丽,金佳丽性格强势,气场十足,处处想控制谭贺。 同时,金佳丽的父亲也是建材方面的老板,他们感情的维持,对谭贺的生意也有着莫大的帮助。 一次偶然的机会,谭贺在游泳的时候邂逅了他自己“再一次”的真爱——云梦。为了追求云梦, 谭贺把给金佳丽的钻戒送给了云梦;为了追求云梦,谭贺常常彻夜不归,使得家里的女友姚蓝独 守空房。 就这样,谭贺在这三个女人之间盘旋着,自以为顺风顺水,一切都在掌握之中。谁料,云梦在得到谭贺的钱后耍起了消失。这时,谭贺才知道,原来这是闺蜜为了对付他而设的一个局…

  • 1998 3.0



  • 2017 4.0


    Siren Phillips has lived her life thinking she's an ordinary girl, in an ordinary town. On the eve of her twelfth birthday, however, she learns that she is far from ordinary. Destined to turn into a Mermaid at the age of twelve, Siren must struggle with her new reality, saying good-bye to her mother and friends, while she transitions into the water. To make matters worse, a group of hunters are trying to catch her. She soon becomes friends with Adam Wilts, a new boy at school, who she turns to for help. He agrees to help her, but finds himself caught in the middle, when it's his own father who is after Siren. When Siren's mother is taken, the town must rally behind her, and help her make a peaceful transition into the water, before the hunters can find out where she is.

  • 2023 1.0
  • 2022 5.0



  • 1978 2.0


    刚刚大学毕业的男子拓治(三浦友和 饰)爱上了从小成长在深山之中的女孩清乃(山口百惠 饰),两人越过了重重阻碍,最终结为夫妻,然而,在两人刚刚结婚没多久,战争就爆发了,拓治扛起枪走上了战场,并且不幸的在战争中身负重伤,被送回了家。

  • 2016 5.0



  • 2022 8.0

    22-23赛季意甲第9轮 蒙扎VS斯佩齐亚

    10月9日 22-23赛季意甲第9轮 蒙扎VS斯佩齐亚

  • 2022 2.0

    21-22赛季NBA季后赛西部R1G1 爵士VS独行侠

    4月17日 21-22赛季NBA季后赛西部R1G1 爵士VS独行侠

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